Thursday, February 11, 2010

Long Hard Road

The Oregon Court of Appeals has decided to reschedule the Arken case hearings to an unknown date in the future. At the same time, the court wisely decided to include the Robinson case for hearing simultaneously. As we know, the legal system moves at the speed of a glacier and these two cases seem to be in an interstadial whereupon they aren't moving at all. Eventually, these cases will be heard and decided by the Appellate branch, but we all know that this is just a brief hiatus before the big act before the Oregon Supreme Court. I'm still holding on my prediction of 2012 (or 2013) for final resolution of these cases. That would make the matter about 10 years to get through the entire legal system. Not bad for cases that were supposed to be "fast-tracked". It's a long hard road to get from here to there. Hopefully we will ALL still be alive to realize any benefits from these cases (note the optimism).

1 comment:

TruthSeeker said...

Glad you are optimistic Marc.