Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Pimping My Ride

The old spin-meister, Greg MacPherson, is still pimping his record on the basis of his performance in reforming PERS. He's also fabricating a tale about "open government", which sits awfully well with those of us who were victimized by the open-government initiative inside PERS. Those cretins, along with our upstanding employers, conspired together to come up with a "fix" for the PERS problems that didn't happen to consider the impact on a primary stakeholder, PERS members and retirees. If this is the kind of "open government" Greg wants, I want no part of it. This blog is proud to go on record as endorsing John Kroger in the upcoming May primary for Oregon Attorney General. We need an honest Attorney General, not one who talks out of both sides of his mouth at the same time.