Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Where Am I?

OK. I'm in Southern California visiting relatives and friends. Tonight we went to dinner at a local hangout. During dinner two celebs walked in. I wouldn't have recognized either but my daughter, who has radar for such things, spotted both immediately. The first was Fran Drescher, who is reputed to star in some program called "The Nanny". I didn't recognize her. But the second star radiated appeal. She was Scarlett Johansen, who showed up in sweats, a ponytail, and glasses. I was quite surprised at how tiny she was. There seemed to be some business transaction taking place - something about a script. We tried to overhear as much as we could, but it would have been too tacky to have listened too closely. My daughter did *not* try for a photo or an autograph, as we explained that stars are entitled to their privacy too. Nevertheless, they do hang out, just like regular folk. All I can say is that we were dressed more nicely than any of the Hollywood types in the restaurant. So, any guesses as to the restaurant where we ate? It is famous, although you have to keep up to have noted this one.


earl67 said...

Enjoy yourselves !!! Have a great break!

mrfearless47 said...

We're having a blast, doing all the stuff we never did while we lived here. We let our 15 year old choose the destinations. Needless to say, we spent a lot of time star-hunting. Didn't score more than our restaurant sighting. But we did cruise on Mulholland Drive, reputedly where the feckless Brittney Spears has her various breakdowns. We didn't see so much as a paparazzi, although there were some creepy-looking characters in expensive vehicles parked along Mulholland. I don't know how anyone affords to live here. Gas prices were over $4 per gallon. One surprising thing was that restaurant prices, even at the higher end establishments, were considerably lower than Portland prices. Food much be cheaper and transport costs lower. They make it up in parking and liquor prices. Never less than $12 for a well-drink, and typical parking prices around $15. Glad I no longer live here.