By the grace of counting posts, it dawned on me that I had hit my magic number of 1000 posts since 2003. I'm not precisely certain when I crossed that mark, but it has been sometime since the first of 2010. That is a lot of writing and a lot of people who have read my thoughts. I want to thank you for making this site the preeminent source of all things PERS. I don't know if I will make it to 2000 as my energy will wane eventually and my family will want me to travel and be away from all of this. Nevertheless, this web site is closing in on one million unique hits and more than 1000 unique entries. Thank you all for your support and your continued reading. This year could be the final year of this blog as I have reached my threshhold of the things I am willing to keep track of. I will keep it going for 2011, but once my wife retires on November 30, 2011, I am "outta here". We will start travelling extensively, visiting our dispersed family and making connnections we've had to miss over all these years. Keep reading this year and there is lots to report.
Thank you for your reporting. We're a PERS family that is nearing retirement and your explanations are helping us understand the issues. You are our go-to source.
You have helped alot of PERS retirees Marc. You have been my main source of "heads up" information for all the years I have lived out-of-state.
Many thanks.
Thank you for being a reader. This blog exists for the readers. It is not a place to feed my own ego. I'm glad that I've managed to learn a lot about the PERS system in my 15 years of studying it and attending meetings. The system is complex, but for those with the time, the energy, and some financial acumen, it isn't that hard. It is nice to be able to share that knowledge.
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