Thursday, March 13, 2008

The Walk

Will be somewhat slow for a while. In the game of dog versus man, the dog won. Sometime soon now, I will be having some torn cartilage removed from my knee. This resulted from a chance encounter with our 80 pound "puppy" who collided with me at full-speed. Kneedless to say the least, I visited the orthopedist this afternoon and he gave me the bad news. Not that this was a surprise. I've known the knee was a mess for about a month, but it is always sobering when you finally get the news. Fortunately, Jim knows how to fix these problems, and my Czechoslovak trainer is slavering at the opportunity to work my "upper body" (god knows it needs help).

I wish I brought you other news, such as the outcome of Judge Kantor versus Arken or Robinson, but alas, the Courthouse is quiet for the nance. I'm still betting that we'll have a decision before the end of next week. Otherwise Judge Kantor will have to go away for Spring break with these millstones hanging around his neck.


Kai Jones said...
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mrfearless47 said...


I don't bet on legal outcomes. Too dicey. My speculation is based on Judge Kantor taking last week off to work the cases, the fact that he is now certified as running unopposed in the May primary, and he's in violation of Oregon's Uniform Civil Code on rulings in complex cases. Now, if no one calls him on the violations, he can't be violated, but why on earth would he want these cases hanging around any longer than he has to. After this length of time, there can't be that much left to think about. Either PERS is right or it is dead wrong. Take your pick.

mrfearless47 said...


One more thing. Are you making your bets based on actual knowledge of the case from your unique position in the hierarchy, or am I being sent a message to dial down the predictions? As I said, I don't bet on outcomes. I just have sources in many places and they appear to conflict with one another right now. Does your source concur that Judge Kantor reviewed the cases last week? And if so, why would it take an additional 3 months to come up with a ruling?

Kai Jones said...
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mrfearless47 said...

Everything you say is correct, except for the answer to the question: What has he been doing for the last 8 months since the status conference. Are you suggesting that Judge Kantor didn't even bother to do *anything* since August 16, 2007. Now, he's taken a week off and expects to catch up. If it is true that he hasn't done anything whatsoever on this case until last week, it will be a small wonder that he can get a decision out before the end of this year, much less June. I just can't believe that he held the conference and then forgot about the whole thing until last week.

Kai Jones said...
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mrfearless47 said...

OK. I'll accept that. It just seems that from your vantage point, which is arguably different from mine, Judge Kantor is digging himself into a gigantic hole from which he may never escape. Interesting that you and Greg Hartman seem to think in similar ways. Greg made the same timing estimate at OSU about 10 days ago, or so. Coincidence?

Kai Jones said...

I haven't discussed it with him, so yeah, coincidence.

mrfearless47 said...

Sorry you deleted all your comments. They were really interesting.