My posts here are not usually personal. This weekend I celebrated my 60th birthday. My birthday present was a visit from all my children and my granddaughter. At dinner last night, the entire crew enjoyed a meal at one of Portland's nicest restaurants. I am very proud to share with you the entire Fearless clan - the only time I will digress from my routine to report on PERS-related news. I took a vacation this weekend and these are the 8 reasons why:
P.S. The two handsome guys in the top row are the "outlaws". The girls are mine, with the granddaughter being the one in the middle of the top row. The rest are either my daughters or my wife. Forgive me if I beam a bit at this group. I love them all dearly and they are all the source of incredible pride and joy.
Thanks for sharing your BD family photo, Mr. Fearless. What a tribute to you that they would all show up. What a nice present for the big 60. Happy birthday and thanks for all you do for the good of PERS members, publicly and behind the scene. JS
It is refreshing to find someone proud of their family and relishing in the love that is shared. I am sure that this love not only renews you daily but sustains you in fighting the good fight across a number of fronts.
Great picture and happy birthday. Good health and long life to you and your family!
Thanks for all the nice comments both here and via email. I really *am* proud of this bunch. They have achieved so much that my contributions seem pale by comparison. The outlaw on the left end just returned 4 months ago from a 24 month deployment in Iraq, preceded by a 12 month deployment in a peace keeping role in Bosnia. Both outlaws are engineers - left, electrical, right chemical. Left daughter is an RN, a Public Health Nurse, and a Case Manager. Daughter right is an executive manager for a large Fortune 500 telecommunications company. Granddaughter is in 8th grade, daughter 3, bottom, is in 9th grade. Wife is a physician. So Dad has to pull his own weight in this very smart, connected, and hard-working bunch. Thank you supreme deity for this gift of such accomplished children, spouse, and outlaws. A man could not ask for more.
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