Friday, December 07, 2007

Late Night Shopping

While we're waiting for Santa and doing our last minute shopping, we've discovered a hole in our document library that we'd like to fill. We've heard stories of people appealing PERS' recalculation notices, but we've not heard about PERS' final responses to the same. We've decided to collect copies of appeal letters (not yours, PERS' response letters turning you down). If you have one to share, we'd like to post it (appropriate redacted of all identifying information). You can send a copy to me back channel, you can contact me back channel for a FAX number, or you can email an electronic copy to Be assured that nothing you send will ever be posted with identifying information. What we're doing is trying to see whether PERS is actually reading these appeals, or whether they are simply categorizing them and then sending a form letter response denying the appeal. I've appealed and will post my response when PERS finally gets back to me. If ANYONE wins an appeal, please let me know. Either dinner in person will accompany my response, or there will be a gift card for a restaurant local to you forthcoming. Keep me informed people. I'm off to do a bit of late night shopping on the net.

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