Monday, October 03, 2005


After 3 months of quiescence, the old PERSLIST and PERSLIST-DIGEST have suddenly been resurrected from the dead (I thought they were dead) and have begun to generate tons of messages. These lists were discontinued in June; no messages should be coming from them at all. Suddenly, spam and the predictible cries to UNSUBSCRIBE and REMOVE ME FROM THIS LIST have sprouted like mushrooms after a spring rain. I've contacted the PSU Unix Team and have asked that this problem be rectified immediately. The lists are no longer used, period! They're working as fast as they can. In the meantime, please don't make the situation worse. I KNOW ABOUT THE PROBLEM. Emailing to tell me contributes nothing but clutter to my mailbox. WORSE, emailing the list asking to unsubscribe only makes the problem MUCH WORSE. Not only doesn't it work, it sends all those emails to all the others on the list, including me. Please bear with me. I didn't create this problem. I don't need this problem. I'm working as fast as I can to get rid of this problem.

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