Sunday, January 31, 2010

There'll Be Some Changes Made

After receiving 58 yes votes and 0 no votes and then being vetoed by Oregon's pimp daddy, Ted Kulongoski, SB 897 is back for a veto override on February 1 in the Legislative Special Session. If you recall from my harangues last summer, SB 897 is a bill that would require PERS to clean up its estimates and take ownership of them. This would prevent the kinds of fiascoes that Kay Bell was subjected to when PERS kept reassuring her there were no errors in her estimates and then found the same error she had been reporting for years, after she retired. The veto override is being led by Senator Ted Ferrioli (R, John Day).

1 comment:

MollyNCharlie said...

Paul Cleary reported to the PERS Board in the Friday meeting that staff is sending a memo to legislators opposing the veto over ride and following up with visits. I sure hope your readers make use of the suggested email you laid out in you January 28th post to let legislators know there are good reasons and support an over ride of Ted K's veto! SB 897 really needs to become law.