Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Into The White

Finally, we have a date and time for the hearings on the White case. Plan to be at the Multnomah County Courthouse by 9:00 a.m. on Friday June 5, 2009. At this event both sides will get a chance to present their arguments. Since this case has been in the "mill" so to speak since 2004, it might be entertaining to watch as Judge Kantor tries to understand this case. Apparently he thought it was going to be an easy case for him last year, but decided after canceling the earlier hearings to reschedule them afterall. In a followup post, I will explain the issues involved in White. Suffice it to say right now that White challenges PERS' right to enter into the settlement agreement in the City of Eugene case (remember that one?) without involving one of the parties to be affected by the settlement (the members).

1 comment:

J Stevenson said...

There was an article recently(week of 5/20)in the Mail Tribune about a Jackson County judge's ruling in an aggregate extraction case. If I correctly understand the newspaper account, he ruled that since the settlement agreement between the county and the gravel owners didn't include the participation of the people opposing the mining operation, it won't stand. It concerns a measure 37 claim, but the ruling was based on non-participation of one party in an agreement arrived at by others.