Monday, January 22, 2007

Title and Registration

I'm now the proud owner of the domain Since I have a regular readership here, I plan to use my new domain to start another blog about PERS, but let it emerge more organically. The new blog uses an entirely different format and an entirely new and powerful set of tools. My plan is to use that blog to introduce a topic and let people jump in with comments and further the discussion with differing opinions and additional information. It is not intended to replace this blog or to compete with the Oregon PERS Discussion Group. I see it as complementary to all the existing vehicles for us to share PERS information. Unlike OPDG, you don't have to register to post and the engine used does nothing to check the validity of the email address you provide or the alias you use. However, to ensure that spammers don't hijack the new site, there are powerful administrative tools that will allow me to completely block offensive posts, to prevent spambots from posting at all, and to maintain order. Moreover, the way the comments are structured, you have to work very hard to top or bottom post. Every comment is independent and readers can skim the comments without having to put up with rereading the same post a dozen times as posters fail to trim out excessive text. There are still simple ways for posters to ensure that the comments are specifically directed. I've already posted two entries, unrelated to anything here, and both already have a few comments. I have another entry planned for tomorrow after I've had a chance to read the full text of Bush's State of the Union Address. It won't be about PERS specifically, but it is related enough that it will make for a useful and interesting discussion. Please stop by the new blog site and leave a comment about the site, its look, its organization, or the topics posted. All are welcome to join in the fun. I look forward to your continued readership here and at my second blog.

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