Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Thick as Thieves

Mark this day on your calendar – September 23, 2005. This is the day the band of thieves known as the PERS Board holds the meeting at which they’ll try to complete the gang rape of PERS retirees. Sorry if the crass language offends, but I have no other words to describe what this loathsome group is doing. There is NOTHING in Judge Lipscomb’s decision that authorizes them to come after retirees after they’ve retired, there is nothing in the Strunk decision that authorizes them to come after retirees after they’ve retired, there is nothing in the City of Eugene appeal that authorizes the PERS Board to come after retirees after they’ve retired, and, and, and, and, there is nothing in the settlement itself that directs them to come after retirees after they’ve retired. Nothing, nada, zilch. They can’t connect the dots. But they’re gonna do it anyway and the only way they’ll be stopped is by further legal action. These people don’t respond to reason, rational discussion, or impassioned speech. They seem to have an unlimited appetite (and near infinite member resources) to continue to defend lawsuit after lawsuit.

If you want to fight this battle, donate to the OPRI Legal Defense Fund. You don’t need to be a member of OPRI (but it only costs $5 annually, $50 for life) to contribute to the fund, but it’s your money we’re all fighting for. If you have any doubt about what’s at stake, use the Calculator I’ve written to determine what your “hit” will be. You can download a copy by clicking on the top link at the left. (Read the instructions first, please). In the meantime, donate now, and donate often to the OPRI Legal Defense Fund:

P.O. Box 7325
Salem, OR 97303-0065

This will be my last post for about a week. I’m going on vacation to recharge the batteries and reenergize for the next battle. I’ll be back.

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